A universe of useful and federated services

A clear and concise FAQ is available at the bottom

Federated services
Mastodon logo

Mastodon is a decentralized social network based on open standards and interoperability. It allows you to share content with others without fear of losing control over your data.

Lemmy logo

Lemmy is a decentralized alternative to Reddit. Users can post content, create communities, and vote on posts, all while maintaining control over their data.
Alternative Photon interface

Pixelfed logo

Pixelfed is an ethical and decentralized alternative to Instagram. It allows users to share pictures and videos without risking their data being exploited.

Matrix logo

Matrix, with its Element client, is a decentralized open-source messaging platform. It allows real-time, secure communication across a multitude of instant messaging services, while keeping control of your data.
Matrix homeserver URL:

Useful services
Bitwarden logo

Bitwarden is a free and open-source password manager. It allows you to safely generate, store, and autofill complex passwords, thus strengthening your online security.

Gitea logo

Gitea is a self-hosted, lightweight, open-source development tool suite. It is designed to provide the same functionality as GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket, all while keeping full control of your data.

IT-Tools logo

IT-Tools is a comprehensive collection of web-based tools designed to enhance your workflow and boost your efficiency as a developer.

PrivateBin logo

PrivateBin is a service where you can share text securely and privately. All messages are encrypted in your browser, meaning only the intended recipient can read them.

ytdl logo

Ytdl is a frictionless YouTube video downloading service. It allows users to download videos of their choice directly by simply providing the video link and desired resolution.

Wallabag logo

Wallabag is a read it later solution that allows storing of web pages for offline viewing, ensuring privacy and offering unlimited storage for your articles.

liteshort logo

Liteshort is a link shortener designed to be lightweight, user-friendly, and privacy-respecting.

FreshRSS logo

FreshRSS is a service that aggregates your preferred website feeds all in one place, offering quick access to the articles and a customizable viewing experience.

RSS-Bridge logo

RSS-Bridge is an innovative tool that generates RSS feeds for websites lacking them. This web application allows you to stay updated with your favorite websites, enhancing your browsing experience by bringing all the content you love into one convenient feed.

PsiTransfer logo

PsiTransfer is a simple, open solution for file sharing. It allows for direct upload, without requiring an account or registration.

Send logo

Send is a secure and private way to share files. It enables you to send encrypted files seamlessly, maintaining high standards of security and privacy. Ideal for those who value data security in their file-sharing activities.

Front-ends services
Nitter logo

Nitter is an alternative interface to Twitter that respect your privacy. Nitter converts Twitter feeds into RSS feeds and does not require registration or JavaScript. It enables faster and more data-efficient use of Twitter.

Redlib logo

Redlib is an alternative interface to Reddit that respects privacy. It allows you to browse Reddit anonymously and without trackers, while maintaining a similar user interface.

Binternet logo

Binternet is an API-less Pinterest image search service, protecting user privacy with image proxy and no IP tracking for secure browsing.

Proxigram logo

Proxigram is a privacy-focused front-end alternative to Instagram. Without sign-up banners or data tracking. It respects your privacy by handling requests server-side, meaning you can safely browse Instagram content without direct interaction with their servers.

ProxiTok logo

ProxiTok is an alternative front-end for TikTok, enhancing your privacy by processing all requests server-side. It allows you to explore user feeds, trending content, and tags without direct connection to TikTok's servers.

SafeTwitch logo

SafeTwitch is a privacy-respecting front-end for Twitch. It proxies every request through the server for privacy, offers lightweight and quick loading pages, and eliminates ads and trackers.

SearXNG logo

SearXNG is a privacy-respecting metasearch engine. Combining results from multiple search engines while not storing any user-related information, SearXNG shields you from pervasive ad tracking and respects your privacy.

LibreY logo

LibreY is a privacy-respecting search engine. It provides search results from Google, Qwant, Ahmia, and popular torrent sites without spying on you. LibreY keeps no user data, there are no logs or caches.

Piped logo

Piped is an alternative front-end to YouTube. It ensures your activity remains private, allows you to view videos without interruptions and analytics tracking. With Piped, enjoy a direct, clean, and privacy-centric YouTube experience.

Hyperpipe logo

Hyperpipe is an alternative front-end to YouTube Music, using Piped API for an ad-free, user-friendly music experience.


What is the Fediverse?

The Fediverse is a federation of independent social networks, all interconnected with each other.
It is an online social space composed of autonomous but interconnected communities, offering decentralized alternatives to traditional social media platforms.

Why should I use these services?

By using these services, you are supporting a decentralized Internet, strengthening control of your own data, and benefiting from alternatives to traditional platforms that will not sell your personal information to third parties.

Do I have to pay to use your services?

No, all the services we offer are free.
Our goal is to provide decentralized, privacy-respectful alternatives to traditional social media services.

What is a federated service?

A federated service is a network made up of many smaller servers that communicate with each other.
This means you can choose who you connect with, while still being able to communicate with anyone in the federation.

What is a useful service?

A useful service is a tool or feature that enhances your online experience or makes certain tasks easier, such as password management with Bitwarden or file sharing with PsiTransfer.

What is a front-end service?

A front-end service is a user interface for another service.
For example, Nitter is a privacy-respectful interface for Twitter, and LibreY is a search engine that protects privacy while using the search results from other popular engines.

How do I join the Fediverse?

Each service we offer has its own link.
All you have to do is click on the link for the service you want to join and follow the instructions to sign up or log in.

Why does a 403 error appear when I use or navigate certain services?

A 403 error may appear if you are using a VPN.
In order to prevent abuse, some of our services may block VPNs.

Is my information secure on your services?

Yes, your information is secure.
We respect your privacy and your data.
We do not sell or share your information with third parties. All our decentralized services are designed to ensure that you remain in control of your data.

Services status - S.M.A.R.T. status